Increase your spending power enhance your standard of living and achieve financial
independence with this must-read” guide to money management (Jane Bryant Quinn). Laurence
Kotlikoff one of our nation’s premier personal finance experts and coauthor of the New York
Times bestseller Get What’s Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security harnesses
the power of economics and advanced computation to deliver a host of spellbinding but simple
money magic tricks that will transform your financial future.Each trick shares a basic
ingredient for financial savvy based on economic common sense not Wall Street snake oil. Money
Magic offers a clear path to a richer happier and safer financial life. Whether you’re making
education career marriage lifestyle housing investment retirement or Social Security
decisions Kotlikoff provides a clear framework for readers of all ages and income levels to
learn tricks like: How to choose a career to maximize your lifetime earnings (hint: you may
want to consider picking up a plunger instead of a stethoscope). How to buy a superior
education on the cheap and graduate debt-free. Why it’s smarter to cash out your IRA to pay off
your mortgage. Why delaying retirement for two years can reap dividends and how to lower your
average lifetime tax bracket. Money Magic’s most powerful act is transforming your financial
thinking explaining not just what to do but why to do it. Get ready to discover the economics
approach to financial planning—the fruit of a century’s worth of research by thousands of
cloistered economic wizards whose now-accessible collective findings turn conventional
financial advice on its head. Kotlikoff uses his soft heart hard nose dry wit and flashing
wand to cast a powerful spell leaving you eager to accomplish what you formerly dreaded:
financial planning.