The courtiers health|Gunpowder plot|Hey then up go we|London mourning in ashes|Neptunes raging
fury|Old England grown new|An old song on the spanish armada|A ballad of the strange and
wonderful storm of hail|When cannons are roaring|Englands great prognosticator|The bonny grey
eyed morn|The courteous carman and the amorous maid|Cupids courtisie|The irish jigg|Jockeys
lamentation|The lunatick lover|The northern lasses lamentation|A pleasant new Ballad of
Daphne|The slighted maid|True love requited|The united lovers|The baffled knight|The behive|The
crafty maid|The crost couple|Diddle diddle|A ditty delightful of mother watkins ale|The
downfall of dancing|The female captain|The gelding of the devil|Good advice to batchelors|The
jolly miller|The jovial lass|The lancashire cuckold|Lumps of pudding|The maidens complaint for
want of a dil doul|My dog and I|Oyster nan|The saint turn d sinner|The seven merry wives of
London|Shameless Joan|The trooper watering his nag|Would you have a young virgin|The husband
who met his match|A merry jest of John Tomson and Jakaman his wife|Modesty amazed|Seldom
cleanly|The winchester wedding|A caveat for cutpruses|The dumpling womans delight|The fair maid
of Islington|The famous ratchatcher with his travels|The jolly tradesmen|The joviall broome
man|The old womans legacy to her cat|The traders Medley|The vindication of top knots and
commodes|The country lass|The countrymans joy|The great boobee|Harvest home|The north country
lovers|The wiltshire wedding|You lasses and lads|A ballad upon tobacco|Courage crowned with
conquest|A warning to all coustard eaters|The doleful dance and song of death|Drive the cold
winter away|The three ravens