Over 100 recipes and meal plans to help you avoid ultra-processed foods Break free from
ultra-processed foods with this practical guide Have you ever wondered why you can't stop
reaching for chocolates ice cream fizzy drinks and snacks? All of these familiar suspects
are ultra-processed foods: they're filled with additives and preservatives to keep you coming
back for more. According to the British Medical Journal ultra-processed foods make up 57% of
the UK diet. However ultra-processed foods have been linked to several health problems
including cancer obesity high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. So how do you avoid
ultra-processed foods when they're everywhere around you? This book will help you through every
step of the way: you'll learn to check food label checklists and stock up your cupboard with
healthy foods. With over 100 recipes for every meal plus four weekly meal plans and shopping
lists you can easily eat unprocessed food on the go.