Hall's main argument rests on the notion that the greatest problem of the 21st century is
living with and understanding differences. -Times Higher Education In this long-awaited work
Stuart Hall...bracingly confronts the persistence of race-and its confounding liberal
surrogates ethnicity and nation...This is a profoundly humane work that...finds room for hope
and change. -Orlando Patterson Marked by struggle and sobriety this important work makes a
significant contribution to a vision of community and an ethics of solidarity. -Homi K. Bhabha
Essential reading for those seeking to understand Hall's tremendous impact on scholars artists
and filmmakers on both sides of the Atlantic. -Artforum Given the current political conditions
these lectures on race ethnicity and nation...may be even more timely today. -Angela Y. Davis
University of California Santa Cruz In The Fateful Triangle-drawn from lectures delivered at
Harvard University in 1994-one of the founding figures of cultural studies reflects on the
divisive often deadly consequences of the politics of identity. Migration was at the heart of
Hall's diagnosis of the global predicaments taking shape around him. Explaining more than two
decades ago why migrants are the target of new nationalisms Hall's prescient vision helps us
to understand today's crisis of liberal democracy. As he challenges us to find sustainable ways
of living with difference Hall gives us the concept of diaspora as a metaphor redefining
nation race and identity in the twenty-first century.