The Roman army has been immortalised in heroic art and screen epics but what was life really
like for an ordinary soldier? 'Everything the best history books can be: erudite entertaining
and eloquent.' - Terry Deary author of Horrible Histories 'Splendidly direct clear and jargon
free... You are unlikely to find a clearer or more comprehensive account' - Classics for All
This book tells the story of everyday life in the army - including the experiences of women and
enslaved people - through a range of rare objects and testimonies. These include letters from
Apion and Terentianus young Egyptian soldiers writing home to their families the tombstone of
4-year-old Vacia a touching reminder of the presence of children near forts the remains of a
soldier found at Herculaneum killed in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 and a board game
played by soldiers in their spare time. Human experiences are set within the context of the
first three centuries of the common era widely recognised as the Roman army's heyday. During
this period forces were split into legions of citizen-only troops and auxiliary units of
non-citizen troops with the latter offered a chance at citizenship and social advancement
after around 25 years of service. As well as describing the social forces behind the army this
book addresses its violent reality for civilians and troops - battle tactics weaponry and the
risk for convicted soldiers of becoming amphitheatre entertainment are all explored. Travelling
from the deserts of North Africa to the freezing climes of Scotland and moving from the
gruesome life of a medic to loving correspondence between friends readers gain a vivid picture
of life in the Roman army with all the spectacular and ordinary experiences it involved.
Praise for the British Museum Legion: life in the Roman army exhibition The Times *****
Telegraph ***** Guardian ***** Evening Standard **** Time Out ****