All through the night|Almost like being in love|Beauty and the beast|Bess you is my woman
now|Bewitched|But not for me|Closer than ever|The colors of my life|Deep in my heart
dear|Embraceable you|Good morning starshine|He loves and she loves|The heather on the hill|Her
face|Hey there|Home|Honeysuckle rose|How could I ever know|I chose right|I could write a book|I
loves you Porgy|I still get jealous|If there is someone lovelier than you|I'll never fall in
love again|I'll only miss her when I thing of her|I'm just wild about Harry|I've got a crush on
you|Johanna|Lonely town|Love makes the world go 'round|Love song|Lover come back to me|Loving
you|The man I love|More than you know|Mr wonderful|My funny Valentine|My heart stood still|My
unknown someone|Namely you|Near to you|Night and day|Not a day goes by|Not while I'm around|Now
I have everything|Of thee I sing|Once upon a time|Our private world|Serenade|She loves
me|Someone to watch over me|Thank heaven for you|That certain feeling|This can't be love|What
more can I say|When did I fall in love|Where or when|With every breath I take|With you|You're
getting to be a habit with me|You do something to me