Tuning|Sidewalks of Nashville|Sandy Ann|Banks of the Ohio|Banks of the Ohio new
positions|Mexican dance|Precious memories|Careless love|Bile 'dem cabbage down|Red river
valley|Clock wise|Swedish Waltz|I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes|Waltzing with
Brenda|Careless love|Precious memories in harmony|Lovely Maori girl|Wildwood flower|Little
brown jug|Joy to the world|On top of old smokey|Sweet hour of prayer|Country style steel|Can I
sleep in in your barn|The scottish waltz|Greensleeves|Amazing grace|My wild irish rose|I'll be
all smiles tonight|Aloha oe|Aura lee|Wabash cannon ball|Shenandoah|Byrds|The great speckled
bird|St Louis blues|St Louis blues