In this collection of voices one hears stories and discussions grounded in the ideas of one of
the most influential teachers and thinkers of our time. The Freirean Legacy offers the reader
an opportunity to consider the work of Paulo Freire in terms of three significant perspectives.
Michael Apple Joe Kincheloe and Ana Maria Araújo (Nita) Freire are among those who share
insights and understandings resulting from firsthand experiences with Freire. The theoretical
insights into his work and ideas are brought forth in pieces by Peter McLaren Judith J. Slater
and others. Finally this book concludes with interpretations of Freire's teachings as applied
to praxis by several authors including Stephen M. Fain and Cesar A. Rossatto. This anthology
will serve the initiate well in getting to know Paulo Freire while at the same time providing
the sophisticated scholar with an opportunity to advance the conversation and continue the