An affair to remember|Anniversary song|April love|Around the world|As long as he needs me|As
time goes by|Because you're mine|Be my love|Big spender|Buttons and bows|Call me
irresponsible|A certain smile|Charmaine|Chattanooga Choo Choo|Consider yourself|Diane|Don't
blame me|Dream lover|Ebb tide|Eternally|Falling in love again|For me and my gal|A gal in
Calico|The glory of love|Golden earrings|The green leaves of summer|A handful of songs|Hi lili
hi lo|Hold my hand|How about you|I can't begin to tell you|I cried for you|I had the craziest
dream|I'll get by|I'm always chasing rainbows|I'm in the mood for love|I'm wishing|I only have
eyes for you|I remember you|It can't be wrong|It could happen to you|It's been a long long
time|I've got a gal in kalamazoo|I wish I knew how it would feel to be free|A journey to a
star|Laura|Louise|Love is a many splendored thing|Love is a song|Love letters|The loveliest
night of the year|Makin' whoopee|Mona Lisa|Moonlight becomes you