Volume 73 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry represents a compilation of the material
presented by the invited speakers at a short course on August 21-23 2011 called Sulfur in
Magmas and Melts and its Importance for Natural and Technical Processes held at the Hotel der
Achtermann in Goslar Germany following the 2011 Goldschmidt Conference in Prague Czech
Republic.It covers Studies of sulfur in melts - motivations and overview Analytical methods
for sulfur determination in glasses rocks minerals and fluid inclusions Spectroscopic
studies on sulfur speciation in synthetic and natural glasses Diffusion and redox reactions of
sulfur in silicate melts The role of sulfur compounds in coloring and melting kinetics of
industrial glass Experimental studies on sulfur solubility in silicate melts at
near-atmospheric pressure and Modeling the solubility of sulfur in magmas: a 50-year old
geochemical challenge.