A babe is born|A boy is born in Bethlehem|Hail the blest morn|A virgin unspotted|Angels we have
heard on high|Angels from the realms of glory|As lately we watched|As with gladness men of
old|Ave Maria Schubert Franz|Away in a manger 1|Away in a manger 2|Away in a manger|Baloo
lammy|Blessed be that maid Mary|Break forth o beauteous heavenly light Bach Johann
Sebastian|Brightest and best|Bring a torch Jeannette Isabella|Cantico|Carol of the bells|Carol
of the birds|Christ was born on christmas day|Christmas chant|Christmas noel|Come thou long
expected Jesus|Comfort comfort now my people|Coventry carol|Ding dong merrily on high|Down in
Yon Forest|Early christmas morning|Exultation|French noel|From east to west|Gesu bambino|Go
tell it on the mountain|God rest ye merry gentlemen|Good Christian men rejoice|Hark the herald
angels sing|He is born the divine christ child|He shall feed his flock (aus Messias) Händel
Georg Friedrich|Hills of the north|How great our joy|Hush my babe lie still and slumber|I saw
three ships|In the bleak midwinter|Infant holy infant lowly|It came upon the midnight
clear|Jesu joy of man's desiring (Jesus bleibet meine Freude) Bach Johann Sebastian|Joy to
the world|Let all mortal flesh keep silence|Lo how a rose e'er blooming|Lo he comes with clouds
descending|Love came down at christmas|Masters in this hall|My dancing day|O come o come
Emmanuel|O come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles Herbei o ihr Gläubigen)|O holy night|O light of
light|O little town of Bethlehem|O little town of Bethlehem 2|O sanctissima|Christe redemptor
omnium|Of the father's love begotten|On christmas day in the morning|On christmas night|On the
eve of christmas|Once in royal David's city|Our savior thee|Personent hodie|Precioso
querube|Rejoice and be merry|Remember|Rise up shepherd and follow|Sans day carol|Chartres|See
amid the winter's snow|Stille Nacht heilige Nacht|Sing we now of christmas|Sleepers awake
(Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme BWV 140) Bach Johann Sebastian|Star in the night|Still still
still|The angel Gabriel from heaven came|The babe of Bethlehem|The bagpiper's carol|The cherry
tree carol|The devonshire carol|The first noel|The holly and the ivy|The holy child|The moon
shines bright|The nativity|The rocking carol|The shepherds' star|The snow lay on the ground|The
star of christmas morning|We three kings|Wexford Carol|What child is this (Greensleeves)|What
star is this|While shepherds watched their flocks