The truth is more shocking than fiction when it comes from John Grisham. In Framed John
Grisham the master of the legal thriller teams up with Jim McCloskey the founder of
Centurion Ministries the first US organisation dedicated to exonerating innocent people to
share ten gripping and shocking true stories that shine an astonishing light on miscarriages of
justice. These stories all taken from Centurion's files shook America's belief in the
criminal justice system - and for good reason. In the aftermath of terrible crimes the public
demand immediate justice. Overaggressive and often racist police and prosecutors rush for a
quick conviction. The result: innocent people are put behind bars for years sometimes on Death
Row. These include Joe Bryan who suffered the unbearable tragedy of his wife's murder only to
be tried and found guilty of the crime - though he had been 120 miles away at the time it was
committed. He remained in prison for 34 years. And Clarence Brandley the only black caretaker
at a high school convicted of rape and murder solely on the basis of his race who spent nine
years on Death Row. He came within six days of execution before new evidence cleared him of all
charges. And the case of The Norfolk Four: where police and prosecutors were so wedded to the
impossible case they had concocted that they kept arresting innocent people to make sense of it
until not one but four men were behind bars. All the cases in this book are simply
extraordinary. Innocent people were forced to sacrifice friends families and decades of their
lives. In many instances the real guilty parties went free - some shockingly to repeat their
crimes. Impeccably researched and told with page-turning suspense as only John Grisham can
deliver Framed is the story of how truth can prevail and how freedom can be won when all seems
lost and the deck is stacked against you.