I am sure practitioners auditors and regulators will find the content of Mr Shaik's book of
value. The accessible style is also welcome. All in all a worthwhile addition to the finance
literature and one that hopefully helps plug the knowledge gap in this field. from the foreword
by Professor Moorad Choudhry Brunel University Managing Derivatives Contracts is a
comprehensive and practical treatment of the end-to-end management of the derivatives contract
operations systems and platforms that support the trading and business of derivative
products. This book focuses on the processes and systems in the derivatives contract life cycle
that underlie and implement the activities of derivatives trading pricing and risk
management. Khader Shaik a Wall Street derivatives platform implementation expert lays out
all the fundamentals needed to understand conduct and manage derivatives operations. In
particular he provides both introductory and in-depth treatment of the following topics:
derivative product classes the market structure mechanics and players of derivatives markets
types of derivative contracts and life cycle management derivatives technology platforms
software systems and protocols derivatives contracts management and the new regulatory
landscape as shaped by reforms such as Dodd-Frank Title VII and EMIR. Managing Derivatives
Contracts focuses on the operational processes and market environment of the derivatives life
cycle it does not address the mathematics or finance of derivatives trading which are
abundantly treated in the standard literature. Managing Derivatives Contracts is divided into
four parts. The first part provides a structural overview of the derivatives markets and
product classes. The second part examines the roles of derivatives market players the
organization of buy-side and sell-side firms critical data elements and the Dodd-Frank
reforms. Within the framework of total market flow and straight-through processing as
constrained by regulatory compliance the core of the book details the contract life cycle from
origination to expiration for each of the major derivatives product classes including listed
futures and options cleared and bilateral OTC swaps and credit derivatives. The final part of
the book explores the underlying information technology platform software systems and
protocols that drive the end-to-end business of derivatives. In particular it supplies
actionable guidelines on how to build a platform using vendor products in-house development
or a hybrid approach.