This book has received the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award
2012. This book introduces a progressive type of education called Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy.
This pedagogy utilizes the arts to promote critical learning and incorporates particular types
of aesthetic experiences into pedagogical practices to increase students' social empowerment
and commitment to social justice. The first coherent body of work that marries critical
pedagogy and aesthetics the book guides theory and practice for teacher educators interested
in infusing their critical pedagogical practices with the arts. It also proposes tangible
reforms in the public school system that will enable a critical aesthetic process to take root
and thrive. Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy can be used in upper-level undergraduate and graduate
teacher education and art education courses. It can also help P-12 teachers and art
organizations to successfully develop and carry out critical aesthetic practices at all levels.
In addition it provides a rationale for school administrators community leaders and
educational policymakers for embracing critical aesthetic practices as a way to improve the
education of all children.