Saturated Switching Systems treats the problem of actuator saturation inherent in all
dynamical systems by using two approaches: positive invariance in which the controller is
designed to work within a region of non-saturating linear behaviour and saturation technique
which allows saturation but guarantees asymptotic stability. The results obtained are extended
from the linear systems in which they were first developed to switching systems with
uncertainties 2D switching systems switching systems with Markovian jumping and switching
systems of the Takagi-Sugeno type. The text represents a thoroughly referenced distillation of
results obtained in this field during the last decade. The selected tool for analysis and
design of stabilizing controllers is based on multiple Lyapunov functions and linear matrix
inequalities. All the results are illustrated with numerical examples and figures many of them
being modelled using MATLAB®. Saturated Switching Systems will be of interest to academic
researchers in control systems and to professionals working in any of the many fields where
systems are affected by saturation including: chemical and pharmaceutical batch processing
manufacturing (for example in steel rolling) air-traffic control and the automotive and
aerospace industries.