Exporting Essentials: Selling Products and Services to the World Successfully is for
entrepreneurs and small business owners the makers movers and shakers in our world interested
in taking their businesses to the next level of growth through exports. This short
hard-hitting book covers just the essentials providing the tools you need to tap new markets.
And it couldn't be more timely. In the old days creating an international business was left to
relatively few--those with the wherewithal to move boatloads of goods into foreign countries.
But now thanks to the Internet businesses of all sizes have a huge new opportunity to sell
both goods and services globally. Yet only 1% of all U.S. businesses export. Why? Typically
exporting begins with unsolicited inquiries from foreign customers on the web via email
website blog or posting on a Facebook page. People outside your country want your product
and they want it now. The problem is that most small business owners do not know how to service
these inquiries. What's the best way to ship goods? Do I need a license? Should I sell through
wholesalers in specific countries or directly to consumers? How will I get paid? Help is here
Exporting Essentials an abridged version of the author's Exporting: The Definitive Guide to
Selling Abroad Profitably equips you with the knowledge you need to sell and fulfill orders
internationally. It also imparts a can-do spirit on exporting leading to greater revenues
stability and profitability for your business. Exporting Essentials: Selling Products and
Services to the World Successfully: Lays out simple steps to conduct market research find
customers open new markets get paid and ship goods and services. Shows you how to adapt your
product or service for export. Provides insider tips and strategies to export efficiently
andprofitably. Explains how the U.S. government helps exporters. With 70 percent of global
buying power lying outside U.S. borders exporting is not just an option for ambitious
entrepreneurs it s an absolute must for building and sustaining a successful future.