Leverage Xamarin.Forms to build iOS and Android apps using a single cross-platform approach.
This book is the XAML companion to the C# guide Xamarin Mobile Application Development. You'll
begin with an overview of Xamarin.Forms then move on to an in-depth XAML (eXtensible
Application Markup Language) primer covering syntax namespaces markup extensions
constructors and the XAML standard. XAML gives us both the power of decoupled UI development
and the direct use of Xamarin.Forms elements. This book explores the core of the Xamarin.Forms
mobile app UI: using layouts and FlexLayouts to position controls and views to design and build
screens formatting your UI using resource dictionaries styles themes and CSS then coding
user interactions with behaviors commands and triggers. You'll see how to use XAML to build
sophisticated robust cross-platform mobile apps and help your user get around your app using
Xamarin.Forms navigation patterns.Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAML explains how to
bind UI to data models using data binding and using the MVVM pattern and how to customize UI
elements for each platform using industry-standard menus effects custom renderers and native
view declaration. What You Will Learn Create world-class mobile apps for iOS and Android using
C# and XAML Build a XAML UI decoupled from the C# code behind Design UI layouts such as
FrameLayout controls lists and navigation patterns Style your app using resource
dictionaries styles themes and CSS Customize controls to have platform-specific features
using effects custom renderers and native views Who This Book Is For XAML and C# developers
architects and technical managers as well as many Android and iOS developers