A unique detailed guide to laryngeal dissection and surgery Laryngeal Dissection and Surgery
Guide provides surgeons with detailed step-by-step instructions for performing laryngeal
dissections in a lab or clinical setting helping them put knowledge into practice. The
dissection chapter grounds the young surgeon in the anatomy of the larynx and provides a
detailed look at the complex relationships of the various structures in and around the larynx.
The descriptions of over 20 common surgical procedures give surgeons a complete picture of each
surgical step. Key Features: - Guidance on performing endoscopic and open procedures including
phonosurgery arytenoidectomy laryngectomy and thyroplasty- High quality detailed photos and
illustrations accompany the text clarifying each surgical step- Key points pearls and
pitfalls presented in each chapter for easy reference- Written by more than 25 renowned experts
from all over the world Laryngeal Dissection and Surgery Guide is the manual otolaryngology
residents laryngology fellows and practitioners should have by their side as they work to
perfect their surgical skills in the dissection lab and in the operating room. Experienced
surgeons will also find it a useful review.