This Reader is a comprehensive text outlining primary approaches to multimodality. In the
Theory and Methodology section the scholars who are responsible for the approaches'
developments give some personal insight into how and or why these approaches were developed.
The Reader covers various theoretical and methodological approaches to multimodality including
a great variety of terminology which are defined in a glossary and are linked back to the
personal narratives or interviews in which scholars highlight why and how the various terms are
of importance. Included is also a Transcription and How-to-Analyze section that familiarizes
the readers with several analytical toolkits. This section is then followed by an extensive
Sample Analyses section. As the book is intended to address readers from various backgrounds
the examples of multimodal analyses that are introduced in this section belong to various
social practices. The book offers an extensive alphabetical glossary list of further readings
and a list of suggested assignments.