A celtic benediction|And the glory of the lord Händel Georg Friedrich|Ave Maria Arcadelt
Jacob|Ave Maria Bach Johann Sebastian + Gounod Charles|Ave verum corpus KV 618 Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus|Before the ending of the day Archer Malcolm|Bist du bei mir BWV 508 Bach
Johann Sebastian|Brother James's Air|Can it be true (Morgenstimmung aus Peer Gynt) Grieg
Edvard|Christ be beside me Archer Malcolm|Christ be with me Pachelbel Johann|Christ in
creation|Christ the way of life|Come holy ghost Attwood Thomas|Come let us all this day|Come
my way my truth my life|Adagio (aus Konzert 1 g-moll op 26) Bruch Max|Cry out with joy to the
lord|Expectans expectavi Wood Charles|Father we have broken the bread Tambling
Christopher|Father your steadfast purpose|Fill thou my life|From glory to glory|Gladness
sadness joy and sorrow MacDowell Edward Alexander|God is a spirit|God is why I am|God so
loved the world|God that madest earth and heaven|Go in peace - Largo (aus der neuen Welt)
Dvorak Antonin|Great and marvellous|Hallelujah (aus Messias) Händel Georg Friedrich|He shall
feed his flock (aus Messias) Händel Georg Friedrich|Holy spirit gift divine (Chanson triste)
Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Honour and majesty Greene Maurice|How beautiful are the feet|How
beautiful upon the mountains|I am the bread of life|I give you my hands Lord|In a upper room
Chopin Frederic|Incline thine ear Himmel Friedrich Heinrich|Jesu joy of man's desiring (Jesus
bleibet meine Freude) Bach Johann Sebastian|Jesu the very thought of thee|King of glory king
of peace|Laudate dominum Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Laudate dominum Pitoni Giuseppe
Ottavio|Lay not up for yourselves|Lead me lord|Lead me o Lord Gant Andrew|Let all the nations
clap their hands|Lift up your heads Händel Georg Friedrich|Lift up your heads|Living god I
cry to you - Air (Orchestersuite 3 - Bach J S)|Lo God is here|Lord I lift my hands to you
Beethoven Ludwig van|Lord I would serve you Mahler Gustav|Lord of all Archer Malcolm|Lord
of all hopefulness Archer Malcolm|Lord of your fathers Mawby Colin|Lord we adore you
Mawby Colin|Love divine|Love of the father|My Jesus o what weight of woe Bach Johann
Sebastian|Non nobis Gant Andrew|Now is eternal life|O for a closer walk with god|O for the
wings of a dove Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|O great all seeing God Moore Andrew|O Jesu joy
of loving hearts Vann Stanley|O king and desire of all nations Stainer John|O leave me not
my everlasting god Bach Johann Sebastian|O saviour of the world Goss John|O saviour of the
world Somervell Arthur|O shout to the Lord in triumph Tambling Christopher|O taste and
see|O thou the central orb|On this mountain|Panis angelicus Charpentier Marc Antoine|Panis
angelicus Franck Cesar|Pie Jesu (aus Requiem op 48) Faure Gabriel|Praise the god immortal
praise Vann Stanley|Proclaim the story (Präludium aus Te Deum) Charpentier Marc
Antoine|Sing aloud the day is breaking|Sing praise to god|Sing to god a song of gladness|Speak
peace Bonighton Rosalie|Teach me o lord|Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes Haydn
Joseph|The holy vine|The will of God|Thou visitest the earth|Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace|Thou o god art praised in sion|Timeless love|Tollite hostias Saint Saens Camille|Turn
thy face from my sins|Walking by faith Marsh John|What praise what glory|When music wakes my
sleeping heart|Zadok the priest Händel Georg Friedrich