Adagio Tambling Christopher|Andante Rinck Johann Christian Heinrich|Andante (aus Sonatine)
Schmitt Jakob|Andante tranquillo Moore Andrew|Andante tranquillo Murray Dom
Gregory|Andantino Franck Cesar|A prayer of peace - Higgins Michael|A prayer song Moore
Andrew|Aria Rawsthorne Noel|Aria Lloyd Richard|Arietta Marsh John|Arioso Rawsthorne
Noel|A sad piece Moore Andrew|A short recessional Moore Andrew|A Tuba Minuet Tambling
Christopher|Calm reflection Mawby Colin|Cantabile - Clark Simon|Canzona Murray Dom
Gregory|Chant de matin Boellmann Leon|Communion Prelude - Higgins Michael|Country Minuet -
Knott Graham|Cradle song Lloyd Richard|Diludium Lloyd Richard|Domine clamavi Moore
Philip|Elegy - Higgins Michael|Evening calm Schütt Eduard|Festal day - Hill Elisabeth|Hail
the dawn Mawby Colin|Idyll MacDowell Edward Alexander|Improvisation Moore
Andrew|Interlude Boellmann Leon|Interlude Hesse Adolph Friedrich|Interlude Rawsthorne
Noel|Invocation Guilmant Felix Alexandre|La Furstemberg Corrette Michel|Laudate Mawby
Colin|Mallaby Deeley's March Lloyd Richard|Meditation - Patten James|Meditation at Engelberg
- Marsh John|Menuett Böhm Georg|Menuett Haydn Joseph|Morning light Moore
Andrew|Noblimente Moore Andrew|Our lady's morning song Vann Stanley|Pastorale Boellmann
Leon|Pastorale - Hill Elizabeth|Gebet Guilmant Felix Alexandre|Prayer to the trinity Moore
Andrew|Prelude Fibich Zdenek|Prelude Lefebure Wely Louis James Alfred|Prelude Merkel
Gustav Adolf|Prelude B-Dur Rinck Johann Christian Heinrich|Prelude C-Dur Franck
Cesar|Prelude C-Dur Nielsen Carl|Präludium d-moll Bruckner Anton|Prelude e-moll Boely
Alexandre Pierre Francois|Priere Franck Cesar|Procession to a jaunty tune Bonighton
Rosalie|Promenade Nixon June|Reflection Roe Betty|Rejoice greatly Marsh John|Siciliano -
Hill Elisabeth|Slow air Wesley Samuel|Stately sortie Fletcher Andrew|Strophe Guilmant
Felix Alexandre|The vines Warren Norman|To a wild rose MacDowell Edward Alexander|Trumpet
tune - Terry David|Voluntary Croft William|A little jaunt Moore Andrew