A gentle Sarabande TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|A tender spiritual VANN S|Adagio Bonighton
Rosalie|Advent aria FISH ADRIAN VERNON|Andante con moto TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Ave maris
stella MAWBY COLIN|Ave maris stella MOORE ANDREW|Benediction NIXON JUNE|Bishop's
Processional ROE BETTY|Bring him gold incense and myrrh MAWBY COLIN|Cantilena VANN
S|Carillon FISH ADRIAN VERNON|St Patrick's breastplate PROULX RICHARD|Choral VANN
S|Christus pastor rex Bonighton Rosalie|Compline MAWBY COLIN|Decorative duo Bertalot
John|Elegy Lloyd Richard|Festival March TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Festival Toccata TAMBLING
CHRISTOPHER|Festive joy|Fleurette Lloyd Richard|Gavotte + Jig ROE BETTY|Gospel procession
Bonighton Rosalie|Herba trinitas Lloyd Richard|Crimond NIXON JUNE|Interval Lloyd
Richard|Joy MAWBY COLIN|Joyful processional MAWBY COLIN|Litterarum ordine PROULX
RICHARD|Little rhapsody ARCHER MALCOLM|Little Sarabande FISH ADRIAN VERNON|Lullaby Lloyd
Richard|Musette VANN S|On an old german melody ARCHER MALCOLM|Ordinary time Bonighton
Rosalie|Palm sunday processional TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Passacaglia on a danish threefold amen
SETCHELL MARTIN|Passacaglietta MOORE ANDREW|Pastorale Lloyd Richard|Pastorale prelude
Bertalot John|Postlude MOORE ANDREW|Prelude TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Prelude on Addison's
Bonighton Rosalie|Albano FISH ADRIAN VERNON|Battle hymn Lloyd Richard|Beatitudo NIXON
JUNE|Be still and know MOORE ANDREW|Chartres ROE BETTY|Christ arose Tambling
Christopher|Conditor alme siderum|Diadem Bonighton Rosalie|Dies dominica FISH ADRIAN
VERNON|Eisenach Lloyd Richard|Engelberg MOORE ANDREW|Farley castle NIXON JUNE|Golden
sheaves ROE BETTY|Gott will's machen TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Hursley VANN S|Innocents
Bonighton Rosalie|Just a closer walk with thee FLETCHER ANDREW|Gott sei Dank SETCHELL
MARTIN|Lux benigna Lloyd Richard|Prelude on Lyngham NIXON JUNE|Ode to joy (Ode an die
Freude) ROE BETTY|Oliver SETCHELL MARTIN|Prelude on Rendez a dieu VANN S|Prelude on St
Felix ROE BETTY|St Flavian NIXON JUNE|Prelude on St Margaret|Salzburg Bonighton
Rosalie|Prelude on Sandon FISH ADRIAN VERNON|Southwell Lloyd Richard|Te lucis ante terminum
SETCHELL MARTIN|To god be the glory TAMBLING CHRISTOPHER|Prelude on Unde et memores|Veni
sancte spiritus MAWBY COLIN|Wachet auf Bonighton Rosalie|What a friend FLETCHER
ANDREW|Wychbold|Adoro te devote MOORE ANDREW|Reflections MAWBY COLIN|Remembrance GANT
ANDREW|Reverie RAWSTHORNE NOEL|Reverie Shephard Richard|Reverie WARREN NORMAN|Rhapsody
ANDREW|Seventh heaven GANT ANDREW|Solemn procession|Solemn ritual MAWBY COLIN|Song of
peace|Song tune Bertalot John|St Agnes MOORE ANDREW|Trumpet tune WARREN NORMAN|Trumpet
tune and Trio Bertalot John|Ubi caritas MAWBY COLIN