After the sun goes down|Ambrose Moloney's|An ugly customer|Are you willing|Arkle Mountain|Ash
maley house|The bag of potatoes|The balintor fancy|Ballyvaughan|The bantry lasses|The bashful
bachelor|Beamish's goat|The bear island Reel|The bloom of youth|The boys of Ballinchalla|The
boys of Malin|The college grove|Comely Jane Downing|The connemara shuffle|Dick gossip|Doherty's
Reel|The enchanted lady|The first house in Connaught|The flannel jacket|The flax in bloom|The
girl who broke my heart|The glen road to Carrick|The green fields of Glentown|Hall's
favourite|Johnny Allen|The kerryman's daughter|The kilt is my delight|King of the clans|Lad
O'Beirne's|Lady townsend's delight|Lough allen|Marian's favourite|Molly on the shore|Peter
Street|The pigeon on the gate|The Queen of the may|A rainy day|The rambling sailor|Scotch
Mary|Sean sa cheo|The shepherd's daughter|The spike island lasses|The trush in the storm|Tim
Maloney|The tulla Reel|The absentminded man|All covered with moss|Banish misfortune|The book of
rights|The bridal Jig|Denis Delaney|Doctor O'Neill|The fairhaired boy|Fiddler's heaven|The
first night in America|The gallowglass|The kinnegad slashers|Kit O'Mahony's Jig|Kitty's
rambles|Life is all chequered|The maid in the meadow|The merry woodsman|The miner's Jig|The
Milltown jig|Molly's advice|The muckin' o' Geordy's byre|The mug of brown ale|The new married
couple|The rakes of Kildare|The red haired hag|The rose in the heather|Snug in the blanket|The
tempest|Tommy Whelan's Jig|The widow Brady|Durham rangers|The glenbeigh hornpipe|Hennessy's
Hornpipe|Hick's Hornpipe|The high level|The kildare fancy|Miss Brown's Fancy|Pretty Maggie
Morrissey|The smell of bog|The steamboat Hornpipe|The tinware lass|The top of the
morning|Balmoral castle|Bonaparte's Grand March|Brochan lom|Bunratty boys|Carolan's draught|The
clog|Cutty's wedding|The eagle's whistle|The first of May|The gay gordons|Maggie Pickens|Mr
Kenny's Waltz|The nova scotia barndance|Old Cape Breton march|Rechnoc mna duibhe|Saint
Mary's|Seoithin seotho|Yellow legs