This book takes the readers on a journey into the world of mobile game development aimed at
beginner Objective-C programmers. The book enables the reader to create a number of projects
which include a matching game a puzzle game a coloring book and a card game. Each of these
projects gives the readers a variety of knowledge and skills that they can apply to their own
gaming projects. By the end of the book the reader will have five apps that they've developed
along with the knowledge of making games for the iOS platform. It builds four game projects
including a matching game a puzzle game a coloring book and a card game that will give the
reader exposure to making games on the iOS platform. It includes information on iOS 5 iOS 6
and iOS 7- the latest versions for the iPhone and iPad. It utilizes the UIKit that enables
readers to apply their knowledge to more areas than just games since many of the topics can be
applied to general iOS development. It includes a companion disc with source code images and
project files.