Industrial Process Identification brings together the latest advances in perturbation signal
design. It describes the approaches to the design process that are relevant to industries. The
authors' discussion of several software packages (Frequency Domain System Identification
Toolbox prs GALOIS multilev_new and Input-Signal-Creator) will allow readers to understand
the different designs in industries and begin designing common classes of signals.The authors
include two case studies that provide a balance between the theory and practice of these
designs:the identification of a direction-dependent electronic nose system andthe
identification of a multivariable cooling system with time-varying delay. Major aspects of
signal design such as the formulation of suitable specifications in the face of practical
constraints the classes of designs available the various objectives necessitating separate
treatments when dealing with nonlinear systems and extension to multi-input scenarios are
discussed. Codes including some that will produce simulated data are included to help readers
replicate the results described.Industrial Process Identification is a powerful source of
information for control engineers working in the process and communications industries seeking
guidance on choosing identification software tools for use in practical experiments and case
studies. The book will also be of interest to academic researchers and students working in
electrical mechanical and communications engineering and the application of perturbation
signal design.Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology
in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas
of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an
extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.