Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in
the chemistry and functionality of lipid bioactive phytochemicals found in fruit oils. The
chapters in this text examine the composition physicochemical characteristics and organoleptic
attributes of each of the major fruit oils. The nutritional quality oxidative stability and
potential food and non-foodapplications of these oils are also extensively covered. The
potential health benefits of the bioactive lipids found in these fruit oils are also a focus of
this text. For each oil presented the levels of omega-9 omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are
specified indicating the level of health-promoting traits exhibited in each. The oils and fats
extracted from fruits generally differ from one another both in terms of their major and minor
bioactive constituents. The methods used to extract oils and fats as well as the processing
techniques such as refining bleaching and deodorization affect their major and minor
constituents. In addition different post-processing treatments of fruit oils and fats may
alert or degrade important bioactive constituents. Treatments such as heating frying cooking
and storage and major constituents such as sterols and tocols are extensively covered in this
text. Although there have been reference works published on the composition and biological
properties of lipids from oilseeds there is currently no book focused on the composition and
functionality of fruit oils. Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality aims to fill this gap for
researchers presenting a detailed overview of the chemical makeup and functionality of all the
important fruit oils.