This edited open access volume explores the role of forest bioeconomy in addressing climate
change. The authors put a particular focus on planetary boundaries and how the linear
growth-oriented economy is coupled with climate change and environmental degradation. Biobased
products and sustainable production paths have been developed but how can they be scaled in
order to lead to an economic paradigm shift? This and other questions are discussed throughout
the volume.Since science indicates that climate change will continue this century the authors
also analyse how forests can be adapted to increasing forest disturbances that changing climate
are expected to cause. The authors propose climate-smart forestry as useful approach for
climate mitigation and adaptation of forests to climate change as wells as sustainable
increase of economic well-being based on forestry. The book illustrates the application of
climate-smart forestry in the Czech Republic Finland Germany and Spain i.e. in EU countries
with quite different forests and forest sectors. This proactive and inspiring volume is an
essential resource for Forest Management professionals decision makers scientists and
forestry students.