This book represents the first in a two-volume set on biological rhythms. This volume focuses
on supporting the claim that biological rhythms are universal and essential characteristics of
living organisms critical for proper functioning of any living system. The author begins by
examining the potential reasons for the evolution of biological rhythms: (1) the need for
complex goal-oriented devices to control the timing of their activities (2) the inherent
tendency of feedback control systems to oscillate and (3) the existence of stable and powerful
geophysical cycles to which all organisms must adapt. To investigate the second reason the
author enlists the help of biomedical engineering students to develop mathematical models of
various biological systems. One such model involves a typical endocrine feedback system. By
adjusting various model parameters it was found that creating a oscillation in any component
of the model generated a rhythmic cascade that made the entire system oscillate. This same
approach was used to show how daily light dark cycles could cascade rhythmic patterns
throughout ecosystems and within organisms. Following up on these results the author discusses
how the twin requirements of internal synchronization (precise temporal order necessary for the
proper functioning of organisms as complex goal-oriented devices) and external synchronization
(aligning organisms' behavior and physiology with geophysical cycles) supported the evolution
of biological clocks. The author then investigates the clock systems that evolved using both
conceptual and mathematical models with the assistance of Dr. Bahrad Sokhansanj who
contributes a chapter on mathematical formulations and models of rhythmic phenomena. With the
ubiquity of biological rhythms established the author suggests a new classification system:
the F4LM approach (Function Frequency waveForm Flexibility Level of biological system
expressing rhythms and Mode of rhythm generation) to investigate biological rhythms. This
approach is first used on the more familiar cardiac cycle and then on neural rhythms as
exemplified and measured by the electroencephalogram. During the process of investigating
neural cycles the author finds yet another reason for the evolution of biological rhythms:
physical constraints such as those imposed upon long distance neural signaling. In addition a
common theme emerges of a select number of autorhythmic biological oscillators imposing
coherent rhythmicity on a larger network or system. During the course of the volume the author
uses a variety of observations models experimental results and arguments to support the
original claim of the importance and universality of biological rhythms. In Volume 2 the
author will move from the establishment of the critical nature of biological rhythms to how
these phenomena may be used to improve human health well-being and productivity. In a sense
Volume 1 focuses on the chronobio aspect of chronobioengineering while Volume 2 investigates
methods of translating this knowledge into applications the engineering aspect of
chronobioengineering. Table of Contents: Time and Time Again Walking on Air: An Empirical
Proof-of-Concept Clock Tech Part 1 Clock Tech II From External to Internal Timers Clock
Tech III Rise of the CircaRhythms The Circle Game: Mathematics Models and Rhythms The
Power of Circular Reasoning