In 1965 Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in Cramming more components onto Integrated Circuits in
Electronics Magazine (April 19 1965) made the observation that in the history of computing
hardware the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two
years. Since its inception in 1965 until recent times this law has been used in the
semiconductor industry to guide investments for long-term planning as well as to set targets
for research and development. These investments have helped in a productive utilization of
wealth which created more employment opportunities for semiconductor industry professionals.
In this way the development of Moore's Law has helped sustain the progress of today's
knowledge-based economy. While Moore's Law has on one hand helped drive investments toward
technological and economic growth thereby benefiting the consumers with more powerful
electronic gadgets Moore's Law has indirectly also helped to fuel other innovationsin the
global economy. However the Law of diminishing returns is now questioning the sustainability
of further evolution of Moore's Law and its ability to sustain the progress of today's
knowledge based economy. The lack of liquidity in the global economy is truly bringing the
entire industry to a standstill and the dark clouds of an economic depression are hovering over
the global economy. What factors have been ignored by the global semiconductor industry leading
to a demise of Moore's Law? Do the existing business models prevalent in the semiconductor
industry pose any problems? Have supply chains made that progress unsustainable? In today's
globalized world have businesses been able to sustain national interests while driving the
progress of Moore's Law? Could the semiconductor industry help the entire global economy move
toward a radiance of the new crimson dawn beyond the veil of the darkest night by sustaining
the progress of Moore's Law? The entire semiconductor industry isnow clamoring for a fresh
approach to overcome existing barriers to the progress of Moore's Law and this book delivers
just that. Moore's Law can easily continue for the foreseeable future if the chip manufacturing
industry becomes sustainable by having a balanced economy. The sustainable progress of Moore's
Law advocates the heresy of transforming the current economic orthodoxy of monopoly capitalism
into free-market capitalism. The next big thing that everybody is looking forward to after
mobile revolution is the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. While some analysts forecast that
the IoT market would achieve 5.4 billion connections worldwide by 2020 the poor consumer
purchasing power in global economy makes this forecast truly questionable. Sustaining Moore's
Law presents a blueprint for sustaining the progress of Moore's Law to bring about IoT
Revolution in the global economy.