At a moment of notably rising levels of anti-Asian hate this book offers antiracist resources
informed by Asian North American feminist theology and biblical scholarship. Although there
exist scholarly books and articles on Asian American theology (broadly defined) have
proliferated in response to the current ethical political and cultural environment have been
prolific there have been few concerted efforts to interrogate or dismantle anti-Asian racism
inseparable from anti-black racism and white settler colonialism that have often undermined
the communal spirit and livelihood of Christian churches in the current political climate. In
the current political climate COVID-related anti-Asian hate and racial conflict which all
intersect with gender and sexuality-based violence require theological moral and political
inquiries. Hence this book notes the current paucity of work with critical discussions on the
multiple facets of racism from Asian American feminist theological perspectives. Contributors
deepen the inter transdisciplinary approaches concerning how to dismantle racist theological
teachings biblical interpretations liturgical presentations and the Christian church's
leadership structure.