Geometric programming is used for design and cost optimization the development of generalized
design relationships cost ratios for specific problems and profit maximization. The early
pioneers of the process - Zener Duffin Peterson Beightler Wilde and Phillips -- played
important roles in the development of geometric programming. There are three major areas: 1)
Introduction History and Theoretical Fundamentals 2) Applications with Zero Degrees of
Difficulty and 3) Applications with Positive Degrees of Difficulty. The primal-dual
relationships are used to illustrate how to determine the primal variables from the dual
solution and how to determine additional dual equations when the degrees of difficulty are
positive. A new technique for determining additional equations for the dual Dimensional
Analysis is demonstrated. The various solution techniques of the constrained derivative
approach the condensation of terms and dimensional analysis are illustrated with example
problems. The goal of this work is to have readers develop more case studies to further the
application of this exciting tool.Table of Contents: Introduction Brief History of Geometric
Programming Theoretical Considerations The Optimal Box Design Case Study Trash Can Case
Study The Open Cargo Shipping Box Case Study Metal Casting Cylindrical Riser Case Study
Inventory Model Case Study Process Furnace Design Case Study Gas Transmission Pipeline Case
Study Profit Maximization Case Study Material Removal Metal Cutting Economics Case Study
Journal Bearing Design Case Study Metal Casting Hemispherical Top Cylindrical Side RiserCase
Study Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Cylinders Case Study Material Removal Metal Cutting
Economics with Two Constraints The Open Cargo Shipping Box with Skids Profit Maximization
Considering Decreasing Cost Functions of Inventory Policy Summary and Future Directions
Thesis and Dissertations on Geometric Programming