The book is the second volume of a series of studies dealing with the Submerged literature in
ancient Greek culture (s. vol. 1: G. Colesanti M. Giordano eds. Submerged Literature in
Ancient Greek Culture. An Introduction Berlin-Boston de Gruyter 2014). It is a peculiar
starting point of the research in the field of Greek culture since it casts a light on many
case studies so far not yet analyzed as literary products subjected to the process of
submersion: e.g. oracles philosophy phlyax play epigrams Aesopic fables periplus sacred
texts mysteries medical treatises dance music. Therefore the book investigates the complex
and manifold dynamics of emergence and submersion in ancient Greek literary culture dealing
especially with matters as the interaction between orality and literacy the authorship the
cultural transmission the folklore. Moreover the book offers the reader new stimulating
approaches in order to reconstruct the wide frame which contained the overall cultural
processes including the literary products subjected to the submersion in a chronological span
going from Greek archaic age to the Imperial age.