Previous Fa d'Ambô grammars are all written in Spanish either in the spirit of Latin grammar
models (Vila 1891 Barrena 1957) or in the tradition of Romance philology (Zamora Segorbe
2010). A Grammar of Fa d'Ambô aims to overcome the shortcomings of these grammars by providing
a comprehensive description of the language from a creolistic typological and general
linguistics perspective. The grammar covers all major domains of grammar and the different
types of interactions between them. The book further includes transcribed texts (about 12 000
words) a Fa d'Ambô-English word list (about 1 140 entries) and supplementary audio materials
corresponding to the transcribed texts and spectrograms. Being the first comprehensive Fa
d'Ambô grammar written in English the book aims at a wide readership of scholars who are
interested in creoles language typology and language documentation in general but also
targets a specialized readership in Portuguese-related creoles. The grammar is further expected
to make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the relation between Fa d'Ambô and
its better-known sister languages Santome Angolar and Lung'Ie (Principense) spoken on the
islands of São Tomé and Príncipe. The supplementary audio materials downloadable below were
selected from: Hagemeijer Tjerk Agostinho Ana Lívia Christofoletti Alfredo Généreux
Michel Hendrickx Iris Mendes Amália Zamora Armando. 2014. Fa d'Ambô corpus. Centro de
Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL).