Leviathan a manifestation of one of the oldest monsters in recorded history (3rd millennium
BCE) and its sidekick Behemoth have been the object of centuries of suppression throughout
the millennia. Originally cosmic terrifying creatures who represented disorder and chaos they
have been converted into the more palatable crocodile and hippo by biblical scholars today.
However among the earliest Jews (and Muslims) and possibly Christians these creatures
occupied a significant place in creation and redemption history. Before that they formed part
of a backstory that connects the Bible with the wider ancient Near East. When examining the
reception history of these fascinating beasts several questions emerge. Why are Jewish
children today familiar with these creatures while Christian children know next to nothing
about them? Why do many modern biblical scholars follow suit and view them as minor players in
the grand scheme of things? Conversely why has popular culture eagerly embraced them
assimilating the words as symbols for the enormous? More unexpectedly why have fundamentalist
Christians touted them as evidence for the cohabitation of dinosaurs and humans?