Deliver on your digital transformation by learning from the insights and experiences from
organizations adapting their approaches to life in the digital world. Business leaders
industry strategists academics and policy makers are all scrambling to make sense of digital
transformation and to define strategies for success in our increasingly digital economy. This
book provides today's leaders managers and practitioners with the tools for understanding
leading and delivering in the digital age. »What I see here is an excellent survey of the best
thinking on Digital Transformation. It's a book I wish I had written.« Brad Power Process
Innovator »A clear and crisply written guide for any manager considering delivering digital
transformation who would like a digestible introduction to key technology trends
organisational and social impact as well as a glimpse of the future.« Petrina Steele Equinix
»A thoroughly enjoyable read.A great synthesis of many different sources that I'm sure will be
an invaluable guide for managers.« Richard Sargeant