This is the first comprehensive description of Paluai an Oceanic Austronesian language spoken
on Baluan Island in Manus Province Papua New Guinea. Based on extensive field research the
grammar covers all linguistic levels including phonology morphology syntax and semantics
while paying particular attention to pragmatics and discourse practices. This is the first
comprehensive description of Paluai a language from the underdescribed Admiralties subgroup a
first-order branch of Oceanic (Austronesian). Paluai is spoken on Baluan Island in Manus
Province Papua New Guinea by two to three thousand people. The grammar is based on extensive
field research by the author and covers all linguistic levels. After a general introduction of
its socio-cultural context the language's phonology is discussed followed by two chapters on
its parts of speech divided by open and closed word classes. Following chapters address topics
such as the structure of the noun phrase verbal and non-verbal clauses grammatical relations
serial verb constructions mood negation and clause combining. The final chapter provides an
in-depth discussion of pragmatics and discourse practices relevant to Paluai illustrated
through two narrative texts that are included integrally at the end of the book. This grammar
is of interest to scholars working on Austronesian languages particularly those of the New
Guinea region and those working on linguistic typology. It is also relevant to those
interested in the history languages and cultures of this region more generally.