We are still looking for a satisfactory definition of what makes an individual being a human
individual. The understanding of human beings in terms of organism does not seem to be
satisfactory because of its reductionistic flavor. It satisfies our need for autonomy and
benefits our lives thanks to its medical applications but it disappoints our needs for
conscious and free self-determination. For similar reasons i.e. because of its
anti-libertarian tone an organicistic understanding of the relationship between individual and
society has also been rejected although no truly satisfactory alternative for harmonizing
individual and social wellness has been put forth. Thus a reassessment of the very concepts of
individual and organism is needed. In this book the authors present a specific line of thought
which started with Leibniz' concept of monad in 17th century continued through Kant and Hegel
and as a result reached the first Eastern country to attempt to assimilate as well as confront
with Western philosophy and sciences i.e. Japan. The line of thought we are tracing has gone
on to become one the main voices in current debates in the philosophy of biology as well as
philosophical anthropology and social philosophy. As a whole the volume offers a both
historical and systematic account of one specific understanding of individuals and their
environment which tries to put together its natural embedding as well as its dialectical
nature. Such a historical systematic map will also allow to better evaluate how life sciences
impact our view of our individual lives of human activities of institutions politics and
finally of humankind in general.