What happens phonetically in the production of stems in words such as days and daze? Do
inflectional stems differ phonetically from monomorphemic words? Can these differences be
perceived? This volume aims to answer these questions in a replication project by investigating
data from two corpora and a production experiment as well as by extending this research with
two perception experiments. It investigates what happens phonetically in the stems of words
that end in homophonous suffixes and whether listeners can perceive these subtle phonetic
differences. Two potential effects were termed categorical paradigm uniformity in which stems
of words ending in [s z] are expected to have longer durations if these words are
morphologically complex (e.g. days is longer than daze) as well as gradient paradigm
uniformity in which the frequency of related words is expected to have an influence on
paradigm members (e.g. day influences days). Findings from these studies contribute to a
growing body of research in the field of morphophonetics.