IELTS Intensive is a short course offering 40 hours of classroom study with an optional 20
hours of additional practice material for extended classroom use or homework. It is designed to
strike a balance between test training and practice in all four skills areas. IELTS Intensive
is aimed at students who require an IELTS band score of 5.5 - 6.5 who are close to achieving
this level of academic language proficiency but who need to improve their IELTS performance.
Key points: It is a genuinely short course which means teachers do not have to use content
selectively. The focus on evaluating models and analysing test prompts helps students engage
confidently with test tasks. Additional test practice material after every two units reviews
task types presented in the preceding units in a format that closely reflects the test. Access
to material online with Delta Augmented. Full audio transcripts and an answer key with full
sample answers are included in the back of the book. Additional features include: Get to know
IELTS: An introductory quiz familiarises students with the IELTS test. Target time and Target
score: Because students often find it challenging to complete Reading questions in the time
given questions are accompanied by a target time to help students maintain an adequate speed.
You're the examiner: Students use this feature to analyse tasks in depth and assess sample
answers. Boost your band score: Tips suggest how students can gain higher band scores. Writing
task bank: Includes an extensive section of additional Writing tasks for extra practice.