Man-Machine Interaction is an interdisciplinary field of research that covers many aspects of
science focused on a human and machine in conjunction. Basic goal of the study is to improve
and invent new ways of communication between users and computers and many different subjects
are involved to reach the long-term research objective of an intuitive natural and multimodal
way of interaction with machines. The rapid evolution of the methods by which humans interact
with computers is observed nowadays and new approaches allow using computing technologies to
support people on the daily basis making computers more usable and receptive to the user's
needs. This monograph is the third edition in the series and presents important ideas current
trends and innovations in the man-machine interactions area. The aim of this book is to
introduce not only hardware and software interfacing concepts but also to give insights into
the related theoretical background. Reader is provided with a compilation of high-quality
original papers covering a wide scope of research topics divided into eleven sections namely:
human-computer interactions robot control embedded and navigation systems bio data analysis
and mining biomedical signal processing image and sound processing decision support and
expert systems rough and fuzzy systems pattern recognition algorithms and optimization
computer networks and mobile technologies and data management systems.