This work compiles experiences and lessons learned in meeting the unique needs of women and
children regarding crime prevention and criminal justice in particular the treatment and
social reintegration of offenders and serves a as a cross-disciplinary work for academic and
policy-making analyses and follow-up in developing and developed countries. Furthermore it
argues for a more humane and effective approach to countering delinquency and crime among
future generations. In a world where development positively depends on the rule of law and the
related investment security two global trends may chart the course of development:
urbanization and education. Urbanization will globalize the concepts of ¿justice¿ and
¿fairness¿ education will be dominated by the urban mindset and digital service economy just
as a culture of lawfulness will. This work looks at crime prevention education as an investment
in the sustainable quality of life of succeeding generations and at those who pursue such
crime prevention as the providers of much-needed skills in the educational portfolio. Adopting
a reformist approach this work collects articles with findings and recommendations that may be
relevant to domestic and international policymaking including the United Nations Studies and
their educational value for the welfare of coming generations. The books address the relevant
United Nations ideas by combining them with academic approaches. Guided by the Editors¿
respective fields of expertise and in full recognition of academic freedom and ¿organized
scepticism¿ it includes contributions by lawyers criminologists sociologists and other
eminent experts seeking to bridge the gap between academic and policy perspectives as
appropriate against the international background including the United Nations developments.¿
The first volume opens with a foreword by Marta Santos Pais the United Nations Special
Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children and a general
introduction by the editors. Part I provides an overview of United Nations principles for crime
prevention and the treatment of women and children. Part II concentrates on education and the
social learning of children and adolescents. The importance of quality education is stressed as
is its impact on the behaviour of children of all ages. It also includes a discussion of the
factors that still hinder access to good schooling in many parts of the world. Part III
presents international research findings on children juveniles and women both as victims and
offenders. Statistics show overwhelmingly that these groups are more often victims than