Reuse and integration are defined as synergistic concepts where reuse addresses how to
minimize redundancy in the creation of components while integration focuses on component
composition. Integration supports reuse and vice versa. These related concepts support the
design of software and systems for maximizing performance while minimizing cost. Knowledge
like data is subject to reuse and each can be interpreted as the other. This means that
inherent complexity a measure of the potential utility of a system is directly proportional
to the extent to which it maximizes reuse and integration. Formal methods can provide an
appropriate context for the rigorous handling of these synergistic concepts. Furthermore
formal languages allow for non ambiguous model specification and formal verification
techniques provide support for insuring the validity of reuse and integration mechanisms. This
edited book includes 12 high quality research papers written by experts in formal aspects of
reuse and integration to cover the most recent advances in the field. These papers are extended
versions of some of the best papers which were presented at the IEEE International Conference
on Information Reuse and Integration and the IEEE International Workshop on Formal Methods
Integration - both of which were held in San Francisco in August 2014.