This timely and thought-provoking collection explores the ways in which psychological science
interacts with and addresses gender across varied subdisciplines in the field from a feminist
viewpoint. A particular aim of this volume is to move the conversation of gender in psychology
beyond a difference-only paradigm. Veteran and emerging feminist scholars survey the handling
of sex and gender issues across psychology and describe how feminist perspectives and
methodologies can and should be applied to enhance the field itself but also in the service of
social justice in the various cultures of corporations academia and the global stage.
Contributions span theoretical advances latest empirical findings and real-world advocacy
with instructive and illuminating first-person accounts detailing challenges and rewards of
feminist scholarship and practice in psychology. Throughout the volume chapters document a
dynamic field in its evolution from the traditional two-dimensional study of gender-based
differences to concerted multidisciplinary approaches to cutting edge feminist theoretical and
methodological advances such as intersectionality to understand gender in context.The volume is
divided into three distinct sections. The first covers current theory and research in
psychological science that considers gender beyond a difference-only paradigm. Then leading
feminist scholars reflect upon their own experiences in their respective subdisciplines.
Finally the third section explores innovative best practices and applications for feminist
psychological science. Highlights of the coverage:- Beyond difference: Gender as a quality of
social settings.- Adventures in feminist health psychology: Teaching about and conducting
feminist psychological science.- Mind the thigh gap? Bringing feminist psychological science to
the masses.- Feminist psychologists and institutional change in universities.With its
stimulating compilation of theories research and applications Feminist Perspectives On
Building A Better Psychological Science of Gender is one of the most forward-thinking and
innovative treatments of the field in recent years. It is a significant and important text for
all psychologists women's and gender studies specialists social science researchers and all
those interested in using evidence-based psychological science to create a more just and
equitable world.