This book addresses some of the most debated topics preceding the UK referendum on membership
of the EU namely welfare services and free movement of citizens. The work improves
understanding of the implications of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement which is the
most integrated form of association agreement with the EU for non-member states. The author
considers the impact of EEA law on both European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states and on EU
Member States and looks at case law. A broad range of welfare services are analysed including
public healthcare and educational services various social services and public utilities such
as transport and public broadcasting. Free movement of students of patients and public
financing of welfare services are among the issues explored. The focus here is particularly on
legal aspects and the demonstrated development of the EEA Agreement into the welfare sphere.
This work enables a sophisticated analysis about the nature of the principles of homogeneity
and dynamism. The book is essential reading for scholars who seek to understand the EU's legal
framework the EEA Agreement and its implications. The topics covered are also relevant to UK
EU discussions on future relations both for intermediate and long-term arrangements.