Creating thriving urban spaces for all requires a wealth of resources. But traditional
approaches often rely heavily on formal channels leaving many communities behind. Here a new
perspective emerges: beyond formalization rethinking how we access resources for inclusive
urban development.Formalized systems while important often exclude informal settlements and
marginalized communities. Complex procedures stringent eligibility criteria and lack of
awareness can create significant barriers. This approach fails to tap into the vast potential
and ingenuity of these communities.Rethinking resources necessitates a more flexible and
inclusive approach. Here are some key strategies:1.Leveraging Local Assets: Communities possess
hidden strengths and resources. Local skills materials and knowledge can be utilized for
development projects fostering self-reliance and empowering residents.2.Microfinance and
Alternative Funding: Traditional financing structures may not cater to informal communities.
Microfinance initiatives and innovative funding models can provide essential financial tools
for community-driven development.3.Capacity Building: Empowering communities with skills and
knowledge is crucial. Workshops can equip residents with project management financial literacy
and advocacy skills enabling them to participate effectively in resource allocation
processes.4.Collaboration and Partnerships: Bridging the gap between informal settlements and
formal institutions is essential. Collaborative partnerships with NGOs social enterprises and
the private sector can unlock resources and expertise to support community-led initiatives.This
shift beyond formalization fosters a more equitable distribution of resources. It empowers
communities to become active participants in shaping their urban environments ultimately
leading to more inclusive and sustainable cities for all.