The book honours the Rev. Dr. Robert A Kolb retired Director of the Institute for Mission
Studies and Missions Professor in systematic theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis and
perhaps the leading authority on the development of Wittenberg Theology in the English-speaking
world. At the same time his teaching and writing which continues without flagging has
emphasized the importance of translating and retranslating the historic Lutheran faith in terms
that address contemporary issues and contemporary people. In this volume colleagues and
co-workers address and push forward Kolb insights into the history of the Reformation era and
on the impact of those Reformation issues (and quarrels) on the life of the church in the world
today. With contributions by Charles Arand L'ubomir Batka Amy Nelson Burnett Irene Dingel
Mary Jane Haemig Scott Hendrix Erik Herrmann Werner Klän David Lumpp Mark Mattes Daniel
Mattson Richard Muller Paul Robinson Robert Rosin and Timothy Wengert.