The 2009 International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML 2009) collocated
in Las Vegas Nevada with the 12th International Business Rules Forum was the premier place
to meet and to exchange ideas from all ?elds of rules technologies. The aims of RuleML 2009
were both to present new and interesting research results and to show successfully deployed
rule-basedapplications.This annualsymposium is the ?agshipevent of the Rule Markup and Modeling
Initiative (RuleML). The RuleML Initiative ( is a non-pro?t umbrella organi-
tion of several technical groups organized by representatives from academia industry and
public sectors working on rule technologies and applications. Its aim is to promote the study
research and application of rules in heterogeneous distributed environments such as the Web.
RuleML maintains e?ective links with other major international societies and acts as
intermediary between v- ious 'specialized' rule vendors applications industrial and academic
research groups as well as standardization e?orts from for example W3C OMG and OASIS. To
emphasize the importance of rule standards RuleML 2009 featured besides a number of tutorials
on various rule aspects a tutorial and a workshop dedicated to the newly released W3C Rule
Interchange Format (RIF).