This is the first monograph which solely investigates the thermoelectric power in
nanostrcutured materials under strong magnetic field (TPSM) in quantum confined nonlinear
optical III-V II-VI n-GaP n-Ge Te Graphite PtSb2 zerogap II-V Gallium Antimonide
stressed materials Bismuth IV-VI lead germanium telluride Zinc and Cadmium diphosphides
Bi2Te3 Antimony and carbon nanotubes III-V II-VI IV-VI and HgTe CdTe superlattices with
graded interfaces and effective mass superlattices under magnetic quantization the quantum
wires and dots of the aforementiond superlattices by formulating the approprate respective
carrier energy spectra which in turn control the quantum processes in quantum effect devices.
The TPSM in macro quantum wire and quantum dot superlattices of optoelectronic materials in
the presence of external photo-excitation have also been studied on the basis of newly
formulated electron dispersion laws. This monograph contains 150 open research problems which
form the very core and are useful for PhD students and researchers in the fields of materials
science solid-state sciences computational and theoretical nanoscience and technology
nanostructured thermodynamics and condensed matter physics in general in addition to the
graduate courses on modern thermoelectric materials in various academic departments of many
institutes and universities.imony and carbon nanotubes III-V II-VI IV-VI and HgTe CdTe
superlattices with graded interfaces and effective mass superlattices under magnetic
quantization the quantum wires and dots of the aforementiond superlattices by formulating the
approprate respective carrier energy spectra which in turn control the quantum processes in
quantum effect devices. The TPSM in macro quantum wire and quantum dot superlattices of
optoelectronic materials in the presence of external photo-excitation have also been studied on
the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws. This monograph contains 150 open
research problems which form the very core and a