Corina Keller studies non-perturbative facets of abelian Chern-Simons theories. This is a
refinement of the entirely perturbative approach to classical Chern-Simons theory via homotopy
factorization algebras of observables that arise from the associated formal moduli problem
describing deformations of flat principal bundles with connections over the spacetime manifold.
The author shows that for theories with abelian group structure this factorization algebra of
classical observables comes naturally equipped with an action of the gauge group which allows
to encode non-perturbative effects in the classical observables. About the Author: Corina
Keller currently is a doctoral student in the research group of Prof. Dr. Damien Calaque at the
Université Montpellier France. She is mostly interested in the mathematical study of field
theories. Her master's thesis was supervised by PD Dr. Alessandro Valentino and Prof. Dr.
Alberto Cattaneo at Zurich University Switzerland.