The availability of new technologies that enable blood pressure to be measured and re corded
continuously or repetitively during prolonged observation periods has created ex citing
opportunities for studying the physiology of blood pressure regulation and the characteristics
of clinical hypertension. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has been based on three types of
approach. The first of these has utilized an intra-arterial catheter that allows blood pressure
to be meas ured directly and continuously during a full 24-hour period. The second approach is
based on non-invasive techniques and utilizes devices capable of automatically inflating
conventional arm cuffs and recording blood pressures at pre-set intervals throughout the day.
The third and most simple method has depended upon semiautomated techniques that require the
subject to inflate a cuff at convenient intervals during the period of obser vation. During
the last few years concerted research into these differing techniques has exposed their
strengths and shortcomings. Overall however there has been a growing perception that these
approaches to the measurement of blood pressure might add con siderably to the information
obtained in the doctor's office by the traditional single or casual reading. This book
summarizes the state of the art in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.